{Happy New Year!}

Wow! I can’t believe it’s 2010!
2009 was sort of a blur.  It was a year with lots of changes for my little family with the big ones being: I started Francypants Academy, we moved from Nevada to Colorado, my son started Kindergarten, and we got a puppy!

I think 2010 is going to be an amazing year! I already have BIG plans for 2010.  I hope 2010 is an amazing year for you too.

Here’s some family photos that actually turned out.  My friend Sara (who’s a photographer too) and I took pictures of each other’s families.  It was nice not having to use the timer and the tripod this time ;0).  Here they are:


This one (below) is my FAVE:


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  1. Awww… the second picture of your family is the cutest… I see why you love it so much!