3-D…nial ~ Monument portrait photography

My “baby” turned 3 last weekend and I am in total DENIAL!  It’s not even real that he is preschool age.  He was just barely one.  How did that happen?!  We didn’t celebrate his birthday last weekend because we’re having a big get togetha with family this weekend for a combined Baptism (for my daughter) and Birthday party.  Should be a hoot!
So here’s a little ode to him.  He’s our little charmer that likes to play in the sink and run around naked just to get our attention.  We sure love him! Here’s a couple classic images of my little man. I’m ordering a canvas of each:


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  1. kerrie says:

    Happy Birthday little guy! You are so cute!!
    I can’t believe he is three either. Time is sure flying.

  2. Kristy says:

    I can’t believe it, either! Great photos of him. 🙂