{Graduation} ~ Colorado Springs photographer

Where did this year go?  I can’t believe that my boy graduated Kindergarten!  He was very serious during the whole ceremony which was kind of amusing.  A few days before Graduation, he got sick and was put on Medical Alert and had to have breathing treatments every 4 hours.  Poor thing!  He’s such a sweetheart.  I just love my Bubzee.  Now I’ve just gotta keep him busy this summer…

Here he is (above) with his teacher.  I got to see her in action from being the class Art Specialist on Fridays and she was SO sweet and patient with all the kids.  I think there is a special place in Heaven for Kindergarten teachers.


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  1. Brynne Morgan says:

    Oh my goodness…he’s so big already! He looks so cute in his cap and gown. Love your new blog by the way 🙂