Last online mentoring course for 2010! ~ mentoring for photographers

I am excited to announce that registration for Francypants Academy’s next online mentoring course begins TODAY! For more information regarding the course, visit the Francypants Academy website.
When does the course begin and how long will it last?
The course is 6 weeks long from August 2nd thru September 12th 2010.  This will most likely be the last online mentoring course for 2010!  However, there will be a Workshop in October that will accommodate 10 students.
I work full-time and/or have lots of little ones at home, will I still have time for the course?
Lessons & assignments are emailed to you on Mondays as printable PDF’s . Assignments are due on Sundays at midnight leaving you the entire week to read and apply your learning at your own convenience & leisure.  Four, optional webinars are available on Monday evenings at 8 pm MST to enhance the lesson materials and answer your questions.
How many students will be you accepting for your next course?
Classes are limited to 6 students to ensure personal interaction.  Courses fill up quickly due to a waiting list of over 170 people.
How do I register?
Please email me at with the subject line being “REGISTRATION” and include your contact information. I will send a Paypal invoice for a 50% deposit to the FIRST 6 people. This needs to be paid within 24 hours or your spot will be given to the next applicant in line.  The remaining 50% will be due the Saturday before your course begins. I will announce on my blog when the course is full.

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