sisters ~ Colorado Springs baby photographer

Last week my sister came to stay with me.  We’re 7 years apart (I’m the “old” one) and total opposites.  I’m short. She’s tall. I have kids. She doesn’t. I have short brown hair. She has long blonde hair.  I’m a portrait photographer. She’s a fine art photographer. She thinks with her brain. I think with my heart.  Somehow, though, we get along.
While she was here, we went to the Museum of Contemporary Art in Denver, went swimming, cooked for each other, had pinching wars, watched a couple movies together, taught each other Photoshop tricks, played games with my boys, and just had a grand ole’ time.  Sure love her.

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  1. Jackie says:

    I love these pictures. My sister and I are opposites too. 🙂 So fun. And darling, you look just fab in a hippie band.