f/stop breast cancer

Breast cancer is something that hits home with me since my Grandma passed away from it and my Mother-in-law overcame it.  One of the students that I mentored, Lydia Shannon, decided that she wanted to do something about breast cancer.  She began f/stop breast cancer, which is a groundbreaking photography auction that includes both mentor sessions and photography products. 100% of the proceeds will go towards The Breast Cancer Research Foundation. I have donated a one-on-one mentoring session from Francypants Academy as well as a Boutique Business Bundle template from Francypants Designs.  Go check it out if you’d like to participate in the auction and take advantage of all the sweet deals.  Auction begins this Thursday!

P.S. Once she gets $100,000 in donations, she will SHAVE. HER. HEAD!  Seriously!  Check out her video below for more details:

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  1. You are AWESOME Kelli!!!!