Put God first quote

This saying was on a plaque in the house when I was growing up and it has stuck with me as an adult. I sometimes get it backwards and put things before people or even God. I know that I need to try a little harder, especially this holiday season to put God first (isn’t that what CHRISTmas is all about?) Gotta remember this as things get a wee bit stressful from placing holiday orders for clients, preparing for all the birthdays we have this month (oh and Christmas…there’s that too), maintaining the house, blah, blah, blah.  All of that busy-ness is really not that important in the long run. It seems that when I do put God first, the important stuff really does seem to fall into place and the rest of the stuff is just STUFF.

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  1. Danielle and Josh says:

    thanks kelli i needed this today!