Family in a field ~ Colorado Springs family photography

I love this family. When I was talking to the Mom about styling her session I knew that she would have it covered cuz she’s just good like that.  I was telling her about my new suitcase prop that I thought would be fun to incorporate in the session and she said, “Oh that would be perfect because my kids are always threatening to run away.” Totally cracked me up!  My son threatens to run away too and I always ask him if he wants me to help him pack.  Totally makes him mad.  Anyways, the sweet connection the siblings have.  That’s just cuz they are tender-hearted people in general.  Glad I got to capture that.

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  1. Mel says:

    awe! I love this family too! Great styling Callie and great shots Kelli! What a goodlooking family!

  2. Rachel says:

    These are perfect! Callie your kids are amazing!!

  3. Sarah says:

    I love them guys! I also love this family:)

  4. Alyssa says:

    These are awesome!! You’re such a beautiful family:) Love you guys!

  5. Beautiful location! I love the green couch. Talented photography and a gorgeous family!

  6. Callie Helm says:

    Kelli, thanks again. I know I keep thanking you, but I just LOVE, LOVE, LOVE all my pics of the kids. They make me smile every time I see them. 🙂 Thanks everyone!

  7. Lauren says:

    The purple is great! Love it!