I have been editing some of MY kids photos finally and they just tug at my heartstrings to see how my babies have grown. My oldest child and only daughter just turned nine years old on Sunday. She was actually born on my birthday which is totally funny because I didn’t want her to come on my birthday because I am a birthday queen (only 363 days till my next birthday!) But alas, that’s how she is. She just has her own little agenda and likes to do the opposite of whatever I do/say. *SIGH* I adore her though. She is an imaginitive, fun, and clever girl that makes me laugh. In fact the other day when Matt mentioned that he got a haircut she told him that “Goofy is the new handsome.” So here’s to my beautiful daughter. I have grown so much because of her. We both need each other no matter how much we argue. I just can’t believe I have a 9 year old. I’m not old enough to have a 9 year old. In my head I’m only double her age (18). Bah!
Here’s some photos I’ve taken of her this year that I finally got around to editing. She LOVES her puppy and always has loved animals. She wants to be a vet when she grows up…and a rockstar, and a teacher, and a mommy, and a chocolate taste tester.
Obviously the puppy pics were taken in the Spring but the one in the purple (bottom right) was taken in the Fall. Is it just me or does she NOT look like a little girl anymore in that one? Sniff, sniff.
How did she grow up so fast in 6 months?
Wow, she really did grow up fast in 6 months! Gosh darn these kids, keep growing up!
Oh tell that girl that I want hair just like hers. I am trying to grow mine out but I don’t think it will look that pretty!. What a cutie! And yes, she looks so much older in her purple pic! Aw!
Beautiful images of a beautiful little girl, Kelli. Oh, and the puppy rocks, too!
Kelli, these are adorable! I love it when you post pictures of your kids! Happy birthday to you both!
She is so gorgeous and your right she did grow up a lot in 6 mths. Wow!