Free Mentoring for Photographers! ~ Francypants Academy

I am giving away one FREE spot to my 6-week online mentoring course in March, valued at $1195!
To enter, simply email with your full name. Be sure to include “Francypants Academy giveaway + your name” in the subject line of your email. All entries must be received by midnight (PST) Tuesday February 8th.

Then get everyone you know to visit this blog to vote for you. Voting will take place February 9-13. The person with the most votes wins! The winner will be announced on Valentine’s Day.

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  1. Emil says:

    What an awesome give away!!!! omg! So excited!

  2. Lindsay says:

    Can votes be entered more than once by voters? Also, do they simply vote or do they have to enter email addresses and personal info as well?

  3. Amy Johnston says:

    Is this where they will leave the votes? Right here, as a comment?
    I vote for myself!! (ha ha)

    • admin says:

      Amy,Voting will begin on Wednesday. I will post a poll with all the contestants names and then you can get your peeps to vote for you then.

  4. Thanks! Can’t wait! Pick me!! Pick me!!

  5. Leslie says:

    Where do we go to vote??