FAQ Friday ~ Babies & Bookkeeping: The 1 thing you & I aren’t doing that we should be

Today’s video is super exciting because I reveal whether we are having a baby boy or a girl!!! According to the survey below, 55% of you think I’m having a girl and 45% of you think I’m having a boy. Guess you’ll have to find out if you are right or not.
I also hold you hostage so we can discuss some muy importante left brain stuff called “bookkeeping”–bleh! I recently discovered something that I had been totally neglecting to do with my financial reports so I wanted to make sure you learned it too so we can step it up! Not only do I share this one thing that you and I are not doing that we should but I also share:

1. Why to hire a bookkeeper for life

2. Why you should sit down with your bookkeeper to discuss numbers every month

3. The importance of knowing what “time it is” with your mula!

Alright enough of this left-brained stuff now. I’m getting pumped for a Girls Night Out tonight. Yippee!

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  1. Lori says:

    Kelli – Congrats on the boy! Thanks for this FAQ – a very good reminder. I have some follow-up questions. What exactly does your bookkeeper do? How do you hire a bookkeeper? In other words, how does the bookkeeping – photographer relationship work? Thanks again!

  2. Congratulations Kelli! For me once I find out the gender everything seems more real and exciting! I’m excited for you. Let the shopping begin! And, yes, having a bookkeeper and/or being extremely organized is oh so important. It’s extraordinary how expensive photography can be, so going through your numbers regularly is oh crucial. Thanks for this!

  3. Alicia Fry says:

    Yay for baby boys! Congrats little mama!! Thanks for the FAQ; I’m also curious… what exactly does your bookkeeper do? Are they in charge of recording every bit of info, revenue, expenses, client info. etc? It is a step I need to take, but not sure I fully understand what it entails. Thanks so much!

  4. Barbara Bell says:

    Hey, there! I just found your website today, and what a great reminder to stay on top of those numbers! 😉
    And congrats on the boy! I grew up w/3 brothers myself, and I’m convinced…it teaches a gal to be fearless!

  5. Kelli France says:

    Hey Lori and Alicia,I give my bookkeeper all of my receipts of things I’ve spent money on FOR my business as well as any client orders I get that month. Then they do calculate my sales tax as well as give me an overall look at where my money is going and how much I am making in general.