And we’re back

Well we made it back from Utah. The trip back home was not quite as lovely as the trip there and towards the end, I texted my husband (who had to stay home and work) that “when we get home, they’re all yours.”
We had a fabulous time though fishing with Grandpa, eating, shopping with Grandma, eating, going to the dinosaur museum with my step-bros and Papa, eating, attending a wedding, seeing old friends and did I mention eating?

I did something kinda naughty too. I left my camera at home. It felt good to just be me and not a photographer.

I did take pics of my girl when we got home though. Some of my favorite pics of my kids are the ones where I just catch them being cute.
Here she is swinging in the backyard with the dog.
So content.

Awwhhh…the lazy days of summer.

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  1. jami edman says:

    uh hum… you were in Utah at the dino museum..u so should texted we could let r kids meet and run around 🙂 Next time, k! PS we have the same dog.