FAQ Friday: How to find your magic number of sessions to take on

Have you ever felt like you took on WAAAY too many photo sessions than you should have?  I certainly have and then I wanna kick myself for taking on more than I can handle.  This especially happens during the Fall when everyone wants to do sessions.
In this video, you get to see me sporting a hat for no other reason than I was having a bad hair day.  I also share my simple formula for discovering your perfect amount of sessions to take on as a busy Mom-photographer.  Enjoy!

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  1. Trina says:

    This is GREAT advice. I never really thought of breaking it down like that. It’s simple now! Thank you.

  2. Mikael says:

    I just think you are the cutest thing ever! Love watching all your videos!!

  3. You seriously crack me up! Even if you had no photography value whatsoever I would still watch your videos! Lucky for me though you have fab info…keep ’em coming~