Sweet stuff

Just had to share a sneak peek of some of the give-aways I’ll be doing next week for the site launch party. I’ll be giving away one thing a day from:
The Organic Bloom (LOOOOOOOOVE their frames!)

SoSoCreative (Bea-U-tiful floordrops and backdrops)

Lifes Images (lovely newborn prop bowls)


Francypants Designs (of course!)

**If you are vendor and would like to donate something to give-away next week, please contact me at francephotography@gmail.com

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  1. WOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOO!!!! I plan on winning EVERY LAST ONE OF THESE THINGS! That’s right. You heard me. EVERY. LAST. ONE. 🙂 I’m going to be on vacation next week but I am seriously going to set an alarm so that I remember to get on there. I am so excited for the new blog. Taking your class was single best business decision I ever made. My business is better than ever and finally worth the time I am spending on it!! A million thank you’s!