Today’s give-away is from a new company called SoSoCreative. They create custom floordrops and backdrops that are LOVELY! I am excited to announce that I have just started a signature edition of Francypants Floordrops with SoSoCreative and I’ll be giving away that floor away today {value of $70}!!!  (See image below)

They also sell some fun newborn props including these retro Coca-Cola crates (I have the red one!) and an adorable black newborn bed:
Check out some of their floordrops and backdrops too:
Below is the official
Francypants Floordrop created using an image I photographed of a real hardwood floor.
I have this one and it looks SO real in person! Enter the contest to win this:
To enter:
Leave a comment answering this question:  What do you most want to achieve for your photography business?
To earn 6 additional entries, leave a separate comment for each of the NEW steps listed below. If you don’t leave separate comments for each step, we will not be able to include them. Entries must be entered here, not on the Facebook Fan Page.
This giveaway has ended. All winners will be announced here on Tuesday, August 9th 2011!
My own style that stands out from the “crowd” of local photogs is what I what to achieve most in my business.
I’m already a fan of Fancypants Academy on FB. 🙂
I want to be able to help people enjoy taking pictures, and for people to feel beautiful.
Liked SoSoCreative on FB and left some love.
Liked Frace Photography on FB and left them some love too!
I’m s fan of SoSoCreative on FB!
Liked Chic Critique Forum on FB too.
I would like to achieve my personal goal of getting new business vs. repeat business. Love the repeats but also want to keep bringing in the new!
I’m a fan of Francypants on FB!
I’m a fan of France Photography on FB.
I want a business that is known for my exceptional customer service and how to make my clients feel special and beautiful.
I am a fan of Fancypants Academy on Facebook.
I am fan of sosocreative on fb
I am a fan of fancy pants academy on fb
I am a fan of France Photography on Facebook.
i am a fan of francs pants photography on fb
“liked” soso creative on fb
I am a fan of the critique forum on fb
i am subscribed to the fp newsletter
“liked francypants academy on fb
I am fan of Chic Critique Forum on Facebook.
liked france photography on fb
the subscribed to the newsletter
what i most want to achieve in my photography business at this point (i have just started my business not long ago) is to get everything setup like i want it such as marketing materials , website, equipment etc .
I’m a fan of france photography!
I’m a fan of francy pants academy.
Liked so so creative.
In my photography buisness I want to achieve pictures that will last a lifetime and that people can look back on:)
Fan of SoSo Creative!
Fan of Francypants Academy!
Fan of France Photography!
Fan of Chic Critic Forum!
Liked chic critique forum!!!
What do I most want to achieve for my business? Well… without getting to meta in a blog comment, I want to develop a year-round consistent business so I can finally quit my day job an do what I love full time.
Already a fan of Francypants on FB!
Just became a fan of SoSo Creative
I want the rest of my business to run as smoothly as my photo sessions!
I want all my clients to love their their pictures and want to refer all their friends for the same quality.
I liked SoSo creative on fb
I am a fan of fancy pants academy on fb
I liked France Photography on fb
Now a fan of SoSoCreative. I love all those props. So inspired!
I liked the chic critique forum on fb
Also a fan of chic critique forum…can’t wait to see what happens there.
I like Fancypants on FB
I want to achieve two things in my business. A sold client base and also created beautiful images that will bless families for a long time.
I want to achieve a distinct photography style of my own
I liked SoSo creative on FB – great great resource and affordable!!
I’m a fan of SoSoCreative on FB!
I most want to achieve a steady income doing something I love.
I would love to specialize in newborns. They are by far my favorite subjects.
I liked the on FB!!
I’m a fan of the Chic Critique Forum on FB!
I liked you on FB!!!
I liked France Photography on FB!!!
I want to achieve a business that I can wake up to every day, not dreading going to work, but excited about it!
I am a fan of SoSoCreative on Facebook!
i became a fan of sosocreative on facebook!
i am mostly want to achieve happy returning clients.
i became a fan of fancy pants on facebook.
i am a fan of france photography on facebook.
i became a fan of chic critique forum on facebook, and im excited to see what it is 🙂
i refered a friend to the fancy pants website too
I would love to increase booked sessions
To be recognized within the photography community in general, I’m just starting out and that would be great!
Already a fan of francypants academy!
Also already a fan of France Photography!
I’m a fan of Francypants Academy on Facebook!
I’m a fan of France Photography on Facebook!
I’m a fan of Chic Critique Forum on Facebook!
I subscribe to The Francypants Academy newsletter!
I want to achieve a recognizable brand with my photography business. When people see my images, I want them to know that they are mine. It’s very important to stand out from other photographers, and it’s one of the most difficult parts of running a business.
I ‘liked’ France Photography on Facebook!
I ‘liked’ SoSoCreative on Facebook!
I ‘liked’ Francypants Academy on Facebook!
I want to be able to be a full time photographer and not have to work another job!!
I’m a fan of SoSo Creative on FB now!
Already a fan of Fancypants Academy on FB 😀
I’m a fan of Chic Critique Forum on FB! Thank you!
A good workflow so that it is as little work as possible for me : )
I want to attract the type of customer who values photography as an artform. I would also like to come up with a way to stand out from the crowd with something really special.
I’m a fan on FancyPants Academy!
What I most want to achieve is a sense of direction – the feeling that I have found somewhat of a niche so I can TRULY brand my photography business and GET GOING!
I am a fan of SoSo Creative!
I am a fan of FrancyPants Academy (and think the name is too cute!)
I am a fan of France Photography!
I referred my friend Nicole, who does baby/kid portraits!
I also subscribed to the newsletter…here’s hoping!
I want to offer something no one else can!
I like So So Creative on fb!
I like Fancypants Academy on fb!
I subscribe to your newsletter:)
I say to my clients, “My goal is that these photographs will hang on your wall, and in the years to come, you will walk past them and think, ‘This is how I remember us.”
I became a fan of Francypants Academy!
I became a fan of France Photography!
I don’t think this submitted the first time, but I became a fan of SoSoCreative!
I became a fan of Chic Critique!
What I want to achieve most in my business is to stand out as a high end children’s photographer!!
I am a fan of francypants academy on Facebook
I am a fan of france photography on Facebook.
I am a fan of chic critique on Facebook
I am subscribed to the newsletter
I would really like to give people quality photos that they truly love and want to share with others.
I’m a fan of SoSoCreative on Facebook
I’m a fan of Francypants Academy!
I’m a fan of France Photography on FB!
I’m a fan of Chic Critique Forum on FB!
I’ve referred my friend to
I’ve already subscribed to the Francypants Academy newsletter.
I am totally just starting out, I have my first paid session tomorrow! I just want to be happy doing a job I love!