MY Family Photos by Blue Lily Photography

by Kelli France | Editor-in-Chief
About a month ago, we drove up to the Salt Flats to meet up with one of our Celebrity Photographers, Wendy Whitacre of Blue Lily, for family photos. And of course we had to get some shots of us reading our print issues of Chic Magazine ;0)

I have to say that I am SOOOOOOOOOO happy with how they turned out! The photos are just so…us.

I can’t believe that she got some shots of my kids behaving. Normally, they have P.K.S. (Photographer’s Kid Syndrome) and have a hard time looking at a camera or staying still. Wendy’s got mad skillz. That’s all I have to say.

This pic is my fave. I already bought a 30×40 canvas of this:

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cobalt dress | Target (only in stores) |similar

moto jacket |Forever 21

heels | Lilly’s Kloset |similar

belt | Bella Ella Boutique

earrings | She Inside

ring | Lia Sophia



skirt | Amazon

b&w striped shirt | old | similar

boots | Target

ring | Lia Sophia

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