I’ve been feeling inspired to share more about the IMPORTANCE OF INNER BEAUTY on my blog through “Letters to My Daughter”. My only daughter is 12 years old and slowly changing from a child to a young woman. She has always been confident & fearless and I don’t ever want that to change. I don’t want her to doubt her inner/outer beauty when she goes to Jr. High or when she is bombarded by the media’s ideal of what a woman should look like or be. I want her to know how wonderful she is…just the way she is. I hope YOU will also remember this as you read my Letters to my Daughter.
Dear Daughter,
I love it when you are happy. I adore your smile. It lights up the entire room. Your laugh is contagious. It makes those of us around you, happy too.
There’s gonna be times in your life when things don’t always go as you hoped. You will have bad days. We all do.
There’s a funny thing about smiling. When you smile, even if you don’t feel like it, it lifts your spirits and others.
I used to work as a cashier at a popular pizza place while I was in college. There were some days that I really didn’t feel like smiling. But smiling seemed like the appropriate thing to do when people as the cashier. And so I smiled, regardless of how I felt on the inside. And ya know what? I found myself becoming much happier when I smiled.
Actress, Drew Berrymore says:
So no matter what happens in life CHOOSE TO BE HAPPY AND SMILE.
A smile is the prettiest thing you can wear.
Remember that.
P.S. Here’s a little digital decor that you can download for your bedroom/locker:
DOWNLOAD THE (un-watermarked) 8×10 HERE
Hi! I loved your letter to your daughter. I don’t have a daughter, but a son, and I also want him to remember how wonderfully imperfect he is, he is the life of the party. Best regards from a reader from Barcelona,Marta