Today we are joined by Dave Hollis for my first ever episode of the Fear-LESS Girl Podcast!
Have you ever thought that this is as good as it gets? Then you are going to LOVE this conversation that we have where we discuss how to get out of your own way.
Dave’s book, Get Out Of Your Own Way, had a unique perspective and it was really refreshing. My husband kept stealing it from me and even my mom read it!
In the book, Dave talks about how things can get in our way when we’re goal-setting or trying to figure out how to get things accomplished. And here we are, in unchartered waters, living in a house with other human beings that we aren’t used to seeing all day.
We need to start to think about what stories we are believing that are simply not true! If you believe that there’s a time or place where the wheels will come off, then you will be on the search for evidence. If you believe the alternative, you can start to think differently and find evidence of a more positive hypothesis.
In Dave’s adoption journey, they made it through impossibly hard things. He has no interest in going through 2016 again. But he’s now living a more positive, fulfilled life because he pursued through hard times.
We will be different people on the other side of a crisis.
Struggle is a universal thing – whether it’s personally or in the outside world. Everyone is struggling with something. Dave feels so differently on the other side of owning the things he struggles with. There is power with owning your struggle!
No one is opting for us to have to go through hard times. In its existence, we have to make a choice to try and find the gifts and focus on what really matters. Whether it’s the Coronavirus or every other thing that life throws our way, it’s all about making the most about the things that come into our lives.
“Things happen for us, not to us.” – Tony Robbins
When things were normal, going out on Thursday nights or having intentional time was much easier. Nowadays during Covid-19, we have to think differently about creating distance and space. Especially when you have kids, you have to show up differently!
Dave’s family came up with the great idea of challenging his family to prepare a presentation on what they can do better than anybody else – and it was a blast! They found a way to introduce something new that perhaps would have never existed pre-Covid.
If Dave was dying in the next five minutes, he would want to share that “a ship in harbor is safe, but that’s not what ships were built for.” If anybody in anway associates security with an absence of failure – you are trading an opportunity to grow with your interest in comfort.
Leaving growth out of your life will leave fulfillment out of your life. To be fulfilled, you must be growing. And to grow, you have to push away from the harbor!
“What will having an ambition and dream do to your children?” Dave doesn’t get this question and this question makes his blood boil.
If Dave gets a question that Rachel doesn’t get – it’s not a question that should be asked. If Rachel gets a question that Dave doesn’t get – it’s not a question that should be asked.
The next time a question is asked about your children, remember that you are letting them stand in who you were placed on this planet to be. They will be forever changed to know that they can support being amazing, or become woman that are.
Thank you so much for listening to this episode! I’m honored and excited to be on this journey toward personal growth and greater confidence with you. If you enjoyed the podcast, I’d love to ask you to take 2 minutes to leave me a 5-star reviews on your podcast app, that way we can help even more women to join us as we #dropkickyourinnermenagirl together.
P.S. If you’re looking for ways to increase your confidence and silence your inner mean-girl, download by free workbook, 6 Ways to Dropkick Your Inner Mean Girl.
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