synchronized biking

Betcha didn’t know that was possible.  It is.  That’s a pic that my brother took of me and my sister-in-law goofing off and doing a little synchronized biking when they came to visit over the summer.  She’s riding my lovely pink cruiser bike and I’m riding my hubby’s bike.  I LOVE to bike ride!
I have TONS of pics from the summer that I never posted because things were so crazy with us moving to Colorado Springs so I’m gonna do a little recap of this summer this week.  Also, be on the lookout for the launch of my Francypants Mentoring website.  It should be live very soon!


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  1. Trish says:

    Awesome! I mean really, why isn’t it already and Olympic Event?

  2. Melissa says:

    hahahahahaha. I love it. Francypants website? i’m intrigued.

  3. VERy NICE and Graceful.