This is the perfect post for today since it’s very cold and gloomy…and my kids are fighting nonstop. A little sunshine for your day and mine!
Every Tuesday (or Wed.) for the past 3 summers, my friends and I would pack up the mini-vans and bring all the floaty toys, Cheetos, and sunscreen that a Mom could carry and go to Lake Tahoe (aka “the beach”). Oh how I will miss Tahoe Tuesdays! It was such a great way to spend your day. The kids would be busy playing in the sand or catching crawdads while the moms chatted nonstop. Such fun! Here’s my little guy being silly as usual and then the whole clan of little friends on our last Tahoe Tuesday.
Can you e-mail me that pic for my blog? Do you have the pics too from the GNO while you were here?Miss you!!!