Bonjorganization ~ organization guide for working moms

Remember when I mentioned a while back that I had been working on some secret stuff to be revealed later?  Well, here it is!  I’m SO excited to share my new BonjOrganization guide!

I often get asked by other photographers and moms, “How do you do it all?”  The Bonjorganization guide includes all of the strategies that I utilize to maintain balance between my family and my work.  I wasn’t always organized.  The strategies that I share are ones I had to learn the HARD way when my life was getting WAAAAY out of wack and I almost wanted to quit.  Now, I incorporate the ideas and suggestions included in the BonjOrganization guide on a daily basis to keep my life in check.  Oh how I wish I had had this guide years ago!

The Bonjorganization guide was designed to help the overwhelmed Mom photographer.  The BonjOrganization is a 50 page pdf guide teaching the art of balancing work & family along with client and time management. Bonus items include “Worst First” charts for the entire family, my Mom-preneur schedule, client checklists, and much more. It also includes my office makeover with specific details on the strategic setup as well . This great guide is jam-packed full of ideas to help balance your work and home life. It will change the way you work and play.

If you are in desperate need of keeping your sanity and the beds made, you can buy this lovely PDF exclusively at The Savvy Photographer Store in the
“Savvy Finds” section for the introductory price of $99.  The price will go up to $129 so act fast if you are considering purchasing one!

An organizational guide for the overwhelmed working mom

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