dreamy ~ Colorado Springs siblings photographer

This session was dreamy. When I was visiting my Mom this summer, I discovered this gorgeous vintage quilt she had and begged her for it.  I’m so glad she gave in because I LOVE how it looks with this little girl’s adorable Matilda Jane dress.  This brother and sister were SO obedient that I couldn’t even use reverse psychology on them.  I’d say to them in a teasing tone, “Don’t smile. Doooon’t do it,” and by george, they would do what I said and not smile.  (Shees, I wish my kids were that obedient!) I was still able to get some great expressions from them though.


Look at those blue eyes.  They could burn a whole right through you. Her Mom better lock her up when she’s a teenager.

little girl in a Matilda Jane dress

This little girl was SUCH a cutie!  I love that she’s missing a tooth.little girl with a big smile and a missing tooth

Trying to find his belly button.

little boy looking for his belly button

So sweet!

a brother and sister holding hands in a field

I love how nurturing Big Sister was.

a brother and sister lying on a blanket

They loved this secret little path we found.

a brother and sister walking on a path



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  1. Jackie says:

    Love, love, love