Francypants Academy is a higher institute of learning for photographers. So I thought, “Why not offer specialized classes that are affordable?” Hence, the webinar idea was born. I LOVE to learn from other photographers and have found that is one of the best ways to increase your education in this field. I asked several photographers to share their specialty with all of us via webinars. To kick-off the Francypants Academy webinar debut, I will be teaching a FREE webinar on “The Power of Presentation” on Tuesday, February 15th 2011! Simply email to sign up! Webinars are limited to 89 people, so act fast!
Check out our Spring line-up:
15th: Kelli France ~The Power of Presentation (FREE KICK-OFF WEBINAR!!)
MARCH 2011
1st: Leah Remillet ~ Developing & Falling for your Brand
15th: Heidi Leigh ~ No Bridezillas here! Find Your Ideal Clients (Who are they? How do I reach them? How do I book them?)
29th: Tiffany Hix ~ Low.Light.Love
APRIL 2011
12th: Jaclyn Davis ~ “Action!” speaks louder than words: Why incorporating video into your sessions is a must!
26th: Jami Edmans ~ Photo Bootcamps for Moms: How to boost your biz and your bucks!
MAY 2011
10th: Rachael de Azevedo ~ Birth Photography: Capturing a Birth
19th: Lisa Heuer ~ Love Your Lightroom: What can Lightroom do for you?
All webinars are held on the following Tuesdays @
8PM – 9PM – Eastern
7PM – 8PM – Central
6PM – 7PM – Mountain
5PM – 6PM – Pacific
Webinar tuition will be an introductory price of $15. Price will go up to $20 on March 1st. Webinars are limited to 89 attendees.
The Lovely Line-up of Ladies that will be teaching:
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