I thought I’d be a photographer until I was old and wrinkled.
Photography was my THANG. It defined me and I was obsessed with it.
I loved it.
I learned it.
I taught it.
I had big plans with my photography career.
If you wanna make God laugh, tell Him your plans. He always seems to have something much better in mind but that requires CHANGE, which is sometimes painful.
Last summer (2014) was probably the worst summer of my life. My husband and I owned a photography forum and magazine at the time. We were making good money with it, but but we weren’t wise about saving for taxes and ended up owing over $15,000 in taxes!!! It came as a total surprise and wiped out every penny we had in savings…and then some. My husband, who has a law degree, frantically began looking for jobs. Because he is an amazing humble man who’s willing to do whatever it takes to provide for his family, he started delivering pizzas to make ends meet.
We were struggling so much financially that our Church donated groceries for us for a couple months. We had to cancel the summer vacations we had planned. I remember one of my kids telling me that they needed new shoes and I had to tell him that we couldn’t afford shoes for him. It was HEARTBREAKING and stressful. There were a lot of tears. I’ve always been a positive, upbeat person but this was really harrrd and I got really depressed. I remember lying in bed one night contemplating suicide. It was that bad.
During my husband’s job search I got invited to a Sneak Peek into Coaching group on Facebook. I had my hubby check it out because he loves health and fitness. That was his thing…not mine.
He was so inspired about the business opportunity that he decided to become a Beachbody Coach. He signed me up too even though I had ZERO intentions of actually coaching. I was much too busy juggling our photography forum, my photo biz, and our 4 kids.
I knew I needed to exercise because it would make me feel better. I needed the endorphins to get happy again and pull myself out of this dark depression. So I started working out from home and drinking Shakeology and I can’t tell you how much better I felt!
I kept trying to talk myself out of coaching because I was just too darn busy running 2 other businesses and being a Mom of 4, but the idea just kept haunting me. When several people began asking me what program I was doing, I decided that maybe I should start coaching to get paid to workout and help others get fit. Coaching was the ultimate accountability because I felt obligated to do the workouts and eat healthy since that is what I was preaching to my Weight-Loss Clients. And I started actually seeing results. Not only was I starting to make money, I was losing weight and inches!
Once I started coaching, I became really passionate about helping others with their fitness goals. It was SO thrilling and fulfilling to help others get healthy and improve their bodies and their lives!
I’ve been doing photography for 13 years and the workload was too much for not enough pay. I hated trying to find a sitter and leave my family on nights and weekends.
I dreaded editing (even though I got it down to only a couple hours) and I was SO over doing awkward Ordering Sessions.
Then there was the ordering, and the packaging, and the delivery. It all sucked the life out of me and just thinking about those tasks stressed me out.
I wanted to focus more on my kids and simplify my life so I decided to quit photography and just focus on fitness and family (and sometimes fashion).
The income potential with photography isn’t mindblowing but the income with Beachbody is INSANE! I’m making $3,000 a month after one year of coaching and I’m just getting started! You can make multiple 6 figures in this biz after only a few years. There’s even several Coaches in the “Millionaires Club.”
I don’t EVER see myself making millions from photography but I do see that happening with Beachbody, and that’s exciting!
Don’t get me wrong, I still love photography (and I do it on my own terms now!) but becoming a Beachbody Coach has been one of the best decisions of my life.
It truly brought me health and happiness when I needed it most. The bonus was that I lost weight, made money and have been able to help others do the same. Basically, I get paid to take care of myself!
Some of the my favorite perks of being a Beachbody Coach (a.k.a. Girlboss) are:
I am so grateful that I found this opportunity. I feel so much more happiness and hope because of it.
If any of this appeals to you and you are interested in seeing what I do and possibly joining my team (Team Chic) to work directly with me, APPLY HERE and I’ll add you to my Sneak Peek into Coaching group.
Follow my fitness journey on Instagram @kellifrance_fitfashionista
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