115. Behind The Scenes of Writing 1 Goal for 100 Days


Today is extra special because I am the author for our Finally Fearless book club this month!  I’ve pulled in my amazing assistant Kat as my guest interviewer, since I can’t really interview myself! 

So let’s jump into the behind the scenes and the FAQ’s of my book, 1 Goal for 100 Days!!

In this episode:

The Spark that Ignited the Flame

Back in 2020, when the world hit pause, I stumbled upon a virtual conference that changed the game. The keynote speaker, with her infectious energy and bright lipstick, spoke about facing fears. I obviously loved this talk because ditching our fears is totally our jam in the Finally Fearless community!

She embarked on a 100-day journey, conquering a fear each day. The idea of focusing on just one thing for a hundred days struck a chord with me. Fast forward, I shared it with my tribe, and the One Goal for 100 Days movement was born!

From Movement to Book: One Goal for 100 Days

Fast forward to the birth of the book, “One Goal for 100 Days,” which, might I add, soared to number one for new releases in women in business! Can you believe it? The movement and the book have touched the lives of thousands, and I couldn’t be prouder.

Writing the Book: A Journey of Challenges and Triumphs

Now, let’s spill the tea on the book-writing process. Three things made it quite the adventure:

1. Timing: Life’s timing is never perfect, right? I decided to write the book in 100 days, and oh boy, the timing was bonkers. Hotel rooms, work trips, and the chaos of daily life—perfectly imperfect!

2. Technical Difficulties: Self-publishing brought a whole new world of challenges. Layouts, uploads, and coordinating with designers—let’s just say, it’s a learning curve.

3. Consistency: Ah, the age-old struggle. Staying consistent is key, and for me, having an accountability partner was a game-changer. Shoutout to my childhood best friend for being my writing buddy!

Breaking the All-or-Nothing Mindset

Let’s talk about a mindset shift—the infamous all-or-nothing thinking that our inner mean girl just loves to use as ammo! But, guess what? I’m learning that 80% is good enough! The book encourages embracing progress, not perfection.

The Heart and Soul of the Book

My absolute favorite parts of the book? The stories, hands down! Over 30 testimonials grace the pages, showcasing the incredible journeys of women who took on the One Goal for 100 Days challenge. It’s pure magic.

And let’s not forget the prompts! Designed to make you think, reflect, and plan your next move. Who knew journaling could be this fun and insightful?

I can’t express how proud I am to be on this journey with each and every one of you. Your stories, your wins—they fuel the fire of Finally Fearless.

Fearless Tribe, you make this movement what it is. Keep those stories coming, keep dreaming those big dreams, and stay tuned for what’s next. Remember, it’s not about being perfect; it’s about being fearless in the pursuit of your goals.

Before you go!

Get the Book: kellifrance.com/book

Join the Accountability Group: https://stan.store/kellifrance 

Get the Free Tracker: kellifrance.com/tracker 


Thank you so much for listening to this episode! I’m honored and excited to be on this journey toward personal growth and greater confidence with you. If you enjoyed the podcast, I’d love to ask you to take 2 minutes to leave me a 5-star review on your podcast app, that way we can help even more women to join us as we #dropkickyourinnermeangirl together.

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